An update on what’s coming up….
2024 sees many new adventures….more collaborations, new venues.
…is going on a journey, with some venues introducing a linked vocal workshop to give people the opportunity to get even more involved. Here are all the details, dates, and links so far….and a wee taster of the show!
SATURDAY 27TH APRIL – CRICHTON CENTRAL, near Dumfries – performance 7.30, workshop 4.30. tickets
SATURDAY 11TH MAY – CHAPLAINCY CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE – performance 7.30, workshop 3.30 tickets for performance, tickets for workshop
SATURDAY 18TH MAY – LESLIE TOWN HALL, FIFE – performance 7.30 – tickets
SUNDAY 16TH JUNE – THEATRE@41 MONKGATE, YORK – performance 7.30, workshop 4.00 tickets
SATURDAY 22ND JUNE – HELMSLEY ARTS CENTRE – performance 7.30, workshop 4.00 tickets

2024 is seeing the continuation and extension of something I love – collaboration! I was delighted to work on the In Harmony vocal retreat at the beautiful Snape Maltings with Mary Bourne in early March. Such a treat to work with like minded musicians and an inspiring group of singers for a whole weekend, and the event was such a success that the March 2025 version is already being planned.

I am thrilled to be working with Mary on a performance project next – a new and vibrant edition of SONGBIRDS featuring myself and Mary, with special guest musicians and singers, at Hampton Hub in October. Tickets are already on sale – here – do join us if you are in the area.

Alongside all these exciting projects, my weekly groups continue to thrive, and all my groups are welcoming new singers after Easter. HAC Singers Monday evenings, Singing For All Monday and Tuesday mornings, Easingwold Community Singers Wednesday evenings, York Military Wives Choir Thursday evenings. Do get in touch if you’d like to know more about any of these!

Finally………I can’t say much more yet, but a new project this year is ‘Tapestry of Life’. It combines my love for Carole King’s iconic Tapestry album, with my love for my family, and my sister Andrea’s book of poems, ‘Life, Love, Loss’. More to come soon on this!