Jessa’s Singing Larks

Jessa’s Singing Larks – August 2023

… a long overdue catch-up! 6 months has passed since I last posted an update on here –…

Jessa’s 2024 larks in progress

An update on what’s coming up…. 2024 sees many new adventures….more…

What’s my song in 2024?

2024 promises to bring new songs, new singers; new venues, new collaborations……watch…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – Sing into Spring

The last few weeks have whizzed by – often the case with such a full and varied schedule…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – Autumn 2022

I have just noticed that I haven’t posted on here since June…and it is now…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – May and June 2022

Just a quick post to list all the forthcoming events and where you can catch me singing (or sing…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – 100th #fieldsing and other news

Yes, I did it. 100 weeks of singing outside in all weathers. Sunshine and snow, rain and wind…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – Autumn into Advent

The show must go on…..and it did I thought a website update was well overdue, as so much has…

Jessa’s Singing Larks – Summer to September

So here we are in August. June and July have passed by in a whirlwind of performances and outdoor…

Jessa’s Singing Larks June 2021

Just a quick update as I realised I hadn’t written one of these for a while…..busy busy…

Jessa’s Singing Larks April 2021

After a couple of weeks of a less busy schedule (much of it spent writing songs and notating ones I…

Jessa’s Fieldsinging Larks March 2021

On 28th March 2020, with all my forthcoming performances and choir sessions cancelled, even outdoor…