
Jessa’s Singing Larks – Autumn into Advent

Day 1 of my Advent Songbird Challenge

The show must go on…..and it did

I thought a website update was well overdue, as so much has gone on since my Summer update. Several performances were planned in new(to me) venues, which I went ahead with despite the sad loss of my dad on October 12th. (Thank you to everyone who sent kind messages and cards, they were much appreciated x)

Somehow, performing was therapy of a kind – musical mindfulness, which helped me keep going and process the changes in my family. Songbirds played to enthusiastic audiences in Billingham(Billingham Theatre Upstairs) and York(Theatre@41, Monkgate), and Malcolm and I were delighted to refresh “Some Enchanted Sondheim” at Saltburn Community Theatre.

I am really keen to get both those shows on the road in 2022, finding more suitable venues further afield, and adapting Some Enchanted Sondheim to reflect the recent sad death of Sondheim himself. His work holds such truth, telling stories and portraying situations like no other. Below is an excerpt from our Saltburn performance….

Loving You and I wish I could forget you from Passion

Advent Songbird Challenge

You will see at the top of this post that I have set myself another ambitious Advent challenge this year! Last year, I performed Christmas songs every day to raise awareness(and funds) to keep Singing For All going through the dark days of only being able to run sessions online.

This year, a different challenge.

In 2022, as I mentioned above, I hope to take my “Songbirds” and “Some Enchanted Sondheim” one-woman shows on the road, spreading my performing wings further afield and finding new audiences for these labours of love. This all takes time….and money of course.

Cue another of my “little ideas”…

Every day, from December 1st to 24th, I aim to broadcast on Facebook (on my singer page here ) one festive song and another song from one of the shows. I kicked proceedings off yesterday with a looped up version of “God rest ye merry gentlemen” and “Songbird”. Many and varied songs will follow, and for those not on Facebook , they will all be shared on my YouTube channel and Instagram page too.

Anyone who would like to throw a few coins in the busking hat to support my 2022 plans, can do so here via PayPal. Every little helps!

CHOIRS ARE BACK(and here to stay!)

Yes, choirs are definitely back. My September “Let our voices unite” concert at The Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York announced this loud and clear, with superb participation from my Community Singers, York Military Wives Choir, and Wigginton Singstars, as well as wonderful support as always from my accompanist Malcolm Maddock. I even included a short #loopingaround set to demonstrate some of the new skills I had developed in 2020.

Now I have all my choirs and singing groups up and running, and all heading towards their own festive performances and events, as well as just relishing the joy of singing together and lifting our spirits though song. The benefits of singing together are well-documented, and I am convinced that taking part gives our immune systems a boost as well as our mental health. So all my groups are going ahead, with windows or doors open for ventilation, chairs spaced out, masks for mingling, and clean hands….but with our hearts warmed and our voices united.

My head is full of possible singing plans for 2022, with ideas for repertoire, possible events, concerts, and workshops buzzing around alongside all the many festive songs which are in there constantly! Watch this space for more details…..but there are definitely some more “Come and Sing” events on the cards.

Below – the inspiring “Like the rainbow” by Debbie Warren, our concert finale. See Debbie’s work here.

My combined choirs perform “Like the Rainbow” by Debbie Warren, at “Let our Voices Unite” , Joseph Rowntree Theatre, York.

All my groups currently have spaces, and I am happy to welcome new singers in the New Year… if you’d like to sing with me at any of the days/times/locations below, get in touch! All the groups have different systems for payments, membership, etc, as well as different starting dates, so just drop me a message and I can let you know the details.


Mondays at 11, Easingwold – Singing For All with Jessa

Mondays at 7, Helmsley – HAC Community Choir

Tuesdays at 11, York – Singing For All with Jessa

Wednesdays at 7, Easingwold(and online, for those further afield!) – Community Singers with Jessa

Thursdays at 9,30am, Thirsk – Butterflies Choir

Thursdays at 7, York – York Military Wives Choir (for anyone with a military connection)

A choir for everyone!

A final word -for anyone local to York or Easingwold -I have a few festive events coming up…

Christmas At The Galtres, Easingwold,

Saturday 11th December, 7.30

A Christmas Concert with The Yorkshire Tenor and York Military Wives Choir, All Saints Church, Pocklington, Saturday 18th December, 4pm

…and on the evening of Monday 20th December, an atmospheric, festive come and sing event at The Mill, Stillingon….details to be confirmed, but a warm atmosphere guaranteed, whatever the weather! (Keep an eye on their website here.…)

…..I am also singing at the St Leonard’s Hospice “Light up a life” event at Selby Abbey on Sunday 12th December at 4pm, to which all are welcome.

Thanks for reading, and do look out for my daily Advent Songbird posts – all likes, comments and shares are much appreciated! Don’t forget, my #fieldsing continues every Saturday, live on Facebook (usually around 10am) – this Saturday will be #fieldsing 89!

Keep singing,

Jessa xx

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