No smashed plates, but one broken spoon!
Well, this has been my first week with all my plates spinning, and I can say with confidence that I haven’t smashed any yet! Highlights of the week include my first YMHSing session on Monday, the first virtual singstars session on Friday, and the launch of my new series, #roundandround.
Singing For All with Jessa – a new artistic contribution from Harry!
My Monday Singing For All session on You Tube included some of the usual favourite songs and mash-ups, but some new choices proved popular – “Football crazy” brought back memories for some, and “This old hammer” proved soothing. The round “Whose pigs are these” even inspired our resident Singing For All artist to create another masterpiece….

Here’s the session for anyone who wants to catch up – and do share with anyone who might be interested in joining us for Singing For All – either live or at their own convenience. You Tube sessions are on Mondays at 11 and zoom Singing For All is on Tuesdays at the same time. Singing for all now has its own Facebook and Instagram pages – do look up “Singing For All With Jessa CIC” and give SFA a like or follow to help spread the singing joy.
YMHSing! – a new session for York Music Hub

Monday saw my first YMHSing! session for York Music Hub. I feel a special kind of energy in these live sessions – the idea that people are singing along with me at home, responding to what I do, without me actually seeing them. I am doing weekly singing and music lesson videos for Wigginton Primary too and it is quite wonderful to see photos and videos of the youngsters singing along to me – often with me on their TV screen! This week I have seen several videos of young singers singing and dancing along to “throw catch” while throwing teddy bears in the air – so lovely.
A year ago I would not have predicted that this is what I would be doing several times a week! These YMHSing sessions are lively and fun – for me and hopefully for those taking part. I would say these are suitable for the young and the young at heart. Some whole families are enjoying joining in together which makes a change from everyone sitting at their own individual devices working from home.
Here’s the first session – I am live on the York Music Hub channel at 4pm on the next 3 Mondays so do tune in if you can.
Round and round and round….
It occurred to me this week just how much I use rounds in my sessions, whoever I am working with. They are such an easy way to achieve harmony with groups and I absolutely LOVE using my new favourite toy – my loop pedal – to perform the rounds myself. Recently, I have started writing a few songs, and many of these have been rounds. So I decided to start another little series of videos! Not wanting to put more pressure on my already busy schedule, I haven’t set any promises about how often I will upload the rounds, but by the end of January I hope to have quite a collection on the way. Just two in there so far – here is the first…I am trying to post each one on Facebook, YouTube , Twitter, and Instagram, so do make sure you are subscribing/following/liking my pages on there to keep up with the rounds and everything else I am up to. All likes and shares are much appreciated!
Field sings continue – with a sea theme for number 44!
Every Saturday, for 44 weeks in a row, I have performed a song outdoors for #fieldsing. I am quite proud of this! So many people have been in touch with me to say how much they have appreciated my outdoor singing(and Mick’s outdoor poetry), especially those who have not been able to get out much, or those who are missing their real life singing groups. I am sure there are still more people who would enjoy singing along with me and the real songbirds in all weathers, so I will continue. Each week, I get closer to the magic number of 52 when it will be a full year of weekly fieldsings! I am already considering what I will do for that one – it will have to be something special I think for the fieldsing birthday party. Fingers crossed for good weather that day.
This morning, the weather was perfect – chilly but crisp and still. I performed a sea shanty – What shall we do with the drunken sailor – complete with bucket bashing….and if you watch to the end, you will find out what happened to my poor wooden spoon…. all part of the fun of live videos!
Virtual choirlab….. and other chances to sing with me
Anyone who would like to join in with my Singing Larks, there are loads of opportunities, from the live You Tube sessions to the more interactive zoom sessions. Do get in touch via the contact page if you fancy having a go at Singing For All or Community Singers Online.
I am delighted to be one of the many singing leaders involved in a really exciting event next Sunday – VIRTUAL CHOIRLAB!
This is a whole day of singing workshops, with a huge range of styles and genres from family sessions and community choirs to classical, jazz and gospel. The sessions are all taking place on You Tube via secure links, and all the sessions are available afterwards for those who book – so you could do a couple of the sessions on the day then catch up with others at your leisure! Here is the website to find out all about it and book your place if you fancy it – Matt Finch, who is running the event, has described it as “ChoirTV” which is running all day – for you to dip in and out of sessions as you please.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my singing larks for this week. I am so grateful to all of you who are taking part in my larks in some way – whether that is joining a singing session online, watching a field sing, or just liking or sharing a post or a You Tube video. You are all helping me spread the singing joy and helping me to keep doing what I am doing.
Thank you!
Jessa xx