2021 promises to be full of song – but initially, 100% online.
(Apart from my weekly #fieldsing of course!)
So much is happening over the next few weeks…..I need to take a few deep breaths before diving headfirst into this songfest…..but I can’t wait to sing with everyone again! (via my screen of course)
Singing For All with Jessa CIC
I am determined to keep Singing for all going, however I can, through these lockdowns and restrictions, and I am so grateful to those individuals and organisations who have contributed to our “Advent Singalong” campaign during December to help with this.

Now, in these online times, distance is no object, and anyone from Easingwold or York, Birmingham or Brisbane (or anywhere else!) is welcome to join in with our lively Singing For All online sessions. There is no need for any amazing musical skills -if you enjoy singing and want to connect with others, you are welcome! We sing a huge range of songs, from folk to pop, show songs to rounds and mash-ups, and we don’t rehearse songs or learn complicated parts – we just sing songs for the fun of it. A singalong – in one session we might get though anything from 15-20 different songs!
Monday sessions take place on You Tube Live, at 11am. Just tune in to my channel at 11 and I will appear! Here is the very first session – my first ever live session online, back in March 2020. A scary moment, and I have grown so much in my confidence and skill level since then – but still a fun singalong for anyone who wants it. All the sessions are left on afterwards for people to sing along to any time.
The Tuesday Singing For All sessions are held on zoom, again at 11am. Anyone who signs up is sent a secure link which they just have to click on to take part, and all you need is a computer, tablet or phone, and an internet connection.
Do help by spreading the Singing For All word – many of my singers, whether they are living with dementia, caring for a loved one, feeling isolated or down, have found the sessions a lifeline during 2020. Sharing songs with others, connecting – even if it is via a screen or chat box – is SO valuable at this time. DO get in touch via the contact page if you want to give it a try or know someone who might.
I have just set up Singing For All’s own social media pages today – here are the links to the SFA Instagram and Facebook pages – please like and share!
Singing For All With Jessa CIC – Instagram
Singing For All With Jessa CIC – Facebook
Community Singers Online
I am really looking forward to seeing my Wednesday crew again, after a few weeks off for Christmas and New Year. This group is a lovely mixture of people from my “real life” choirs in Easingwold and Helmsley, and others from far and wide who have joined the online group. The group is around 20 so far, and there are places for more to join – do get in touch if you fancy giving it a try!
I am very excited about starting some of the new songs I have prepared for the group – a wide range, from emotional pieces about the joy of singing, to wild pop mash ups and silly rounds. My multi part tracks are ready and my loop pedal is polished, ready to create that “choir” feel for everyone singing on their own from home!
CSO sessions are on Wednesdays at 7, running for just over an hour, with a virtual tea break in the middle – if you are camera shy, this is optional! So you can choose to stay and chat or go and get an actual cup of real tea. (or glass of wine!) Here’s a little taster of one of the songs we are starting this week…
As well as these two groups, there are lots more singing-related activities continuing or starting in the next week – people often ask how I manage to do so many different things! The answer is often, “only just”, and with a very carefully managed diary…
So many different work streams, with different preparation, different types of groups and activities. But I love them all and wouldn’t actually want to give any of them up. Another point to consider is that music is how I earn a living – through teaching singing and music, performing, and leading choirs and groups. Any one of those currently would not pay the bills on its own! So many community musicians like myself have a similar “portfolio” of work – and of course, I never have a chance to get bored!
So my aim for the next 5 weeks is to get all the musical plates spinning, and to pace myself, try to get outside and walk whenever I can, try to pay some attention to my poor husband and teenage children who do get neglected in these busy periods…….and hope I make it to half term with no smashed plates!
Here’s a picture of my week ahead…see you at the other side!