Do I need to be a fantastic singer? No, not at all. Jessa enjoys welcoming singers of all levels of experience to her groups. Some are very experienced, others less so – all are welcomed and encouraged to enjoy singing together.
Do I need to be able to read music? No. In Easingwold Community singers and HAC Singers, music is available for some songs, but all the parts are taught by ear – there is no expectation of being able to just pick up a piece of music and sing it! Tracks are often provided to help learn parts. At Singing For All, only lyrics are used.
I was told I couldn’t sing when I was younger. Could I still join? DEFINITELY! Jessa is very much of the “everyone can sing” school of singing and encourages every one to find and enjoy their own voice. Nobody is auditioned or judged.
Do I have to pay for a whole term? It depends on the group. Singing For All is pay as you go(Although there is an option to pay in blocks), HACSingers pay per term, and Easingwold Community Singers is run using a monthly membership system, with all the choir benefits provided for a small monthly payment. You can always try a session before committing to anything.
What kind of songs would we sing? In Singing For All, the songs are mainly in unison, and are well-known songs from the 50s/60s/70s, songs from shows, even traditional songs – an extremely wide range. SFA don’t “rehearse” songs as such – they sing lots of songs in the session, just for fun. The songs for Easingwold Community Singers and HACS may include pop songs, folk songs, new songs specially written for choirs, songs from around the world, simple rounds, and there will be 2 or 3 parts to choose from so we can make beautiful harmonies together.
Who can come to the sessions? Anyone aged 16 to 116 who loves to sing.
What do I do if I want to try a session? Just contact Jessa using the contact form and she will get back to you with details of the next session you can take part in.